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pagetimes.py doesn´t work

#1 by GregorFHSU

Hello everyone,

I tried to implement the pagetimes.py script (https://otree.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_downloads/d4f9f0315d093284dedcf1c2e66e7c68/pagetimes.py) to get the time spent on every page. My problem is that when I run a devserver I don´t get a outfile. Do I have to implement something else?

Best greetings from Hamburg,

#2 by Fanist

Hi Gregor, are you saying that you cannot find the "infile.csv"? This file should be the name of the "page times" csv file you downloaded from oTree. To get this data, run devserver and play, then you can download it from "Data-Page times" and rename it to infile.csv.

#3 by GregorFHSU

Hi Fanist,

I ran an experiment a couple years ago where I needed to use pagetimes.py in the code. I did not know until now that page times are now implemented by default and available under DATA. Thank you!

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