oTree Forum

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When people return studies on Prolific, why does oTree still count them as a participant?

By trey , 0 replies,

People opening study greeted with "Session is full" on Prolific

By trey , 0 replies,

Missing translation on German (de) language package

By AndreL , 7 replies,

I delete my site from Heroku

By sujay, 0 replies,

How to keep changes on dictionary in before_next_page function preserved

By HJmonica, 3 replies,

Handling Excess Participants

By aafsar, 1 reply,

Rest API to download all app wide data

By Hope_He2ro, 0 replies,

Deployment on Railway - 502 Bad Gateway

By whataguy, 1 reply,

Looking for a developer

By juliaha, 5 replies,

Looking for Programmer

By EvgenyK, 4 replies,

Using ExtraModel with multiple apps

By aseyq , 5 replies,

How to configure higher tier postgres on heroku (standard)

By GKarreskog, 2 replies,

OperationalError: running oTree on Heroku (and Render)

By Afshin, 1 reply,

Subscription (pages and apps)

By YANG, 1 reply,

Get session variables via REST api

By steffen, 0 replies,

set_group_matrix() using a variable

By FEDx, 0 replies,

otree installation problem in windows

By vera, 1 reply,

creating_session does not work at all

By lisa_carismo, 2 replies,

payoffs otree studio

By otreestudio, 1 reply,

Error in downloading Otreezip

By lukasnainggolan, 0 replies,

Matching groups and random smaller groups within one matching group

By boma , 1 reply,

Max number of players for split screen demo

By aamir, 1 reply,

Efficient way of storing a partner's player object

By JSM, 1 reply,

I need to form groups of N, N > 6 -- how do i do this in oTreeStudio?

By noob_forever , 7 replies,

Skipping pages and going directly to a new round after some choice

By boma , 2 replies,

Otree payment going directly to Prolific

By m_hr3 , 1 reply,

Database Management in oTree

By pradeep10, 0 replies,

Rooms unable to deal with larger amount of participants

By Simon, 3 replies,

Underline part of a label for models.IntegerField

By steleta, 1 reply,

Chat profanity and/or personal information cleaner

By Tabero, 1 reply,