#1 by FelixB
Dear Chris, Dear oTree users, I'm trying to retrieve data about a session and its participants using the GET session data endpoint in Qualtrics. Qualtrics offers a Web Service, which usually works fine with the oTree REST API. However, in this case the participant_labels seems to be omitted. I.e., when testing the Web Service, I get all participant's data. Do you se an obvious mistake? Your help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance and best, Felix
#2 by Chris_oTree
The participant label must be passed not as a query parameter but rather as part of the request body. It seems that Qualtrics doesn't allow sending request body along with a GET request. That is understandable as a number of tools don't allow this.
#3 by FelixB
Hi Chris, thank you for your response! I now found a workaround for which I do not use the GET request, but Qualtric's Query Strings. Best, Felix