#1 by supadhyay
HI, I am new to the Otree community and I am not able to figure out on how to add otree featured apps (under public projects)into Otree studio. I am particularly interested in adding image_choices by Chris into my project but cant understand how to get it. (https://www.otreehub.com/projects/?featured=1). Any help will be greatly appreciated.
#2 by xindamate_xyz
Hi, it's easy. you should download the project from otree studio. and rename the xxx.otreezip to xxx.zip then unzip it. then rename to xxx.zip again. and unzip again. after this you'll get the project, then copy the image_choices files to your project. and config the settings.py file then use otree devserver to start your project. Thanks, Tina from https://xindamate.xyz/en/
I dont use oTree studio, but I am also interested in this for a colleague who does and wants to juggle around with multiple apps and editing in oTree studio. Is this even doable? I don't really understand Tina's instruction here, but that could be me xD. I know you can download the otreezip from your project in oTree studio and collect otreezips from other projects, but how does this enable you add apps to your otree studio project?