#1 by RudyDW
Dear all, I am using live pages in a “double auction market” experiment. It works well but I face a problem when I need to send messages to different sets of players depending on a given event. Here is my question... I understand that I can send a message to the whole group of players by doing this: return {0: data } I see in the oTree documentation that I can send a message to several players in a group by doing this: return {2: data, 3: data} But what if I want to send a specific message to id 2, another message to id’s 3,4,5 and a general message to the other 16 players? It seems that I cannot use lists of id’s such as in the following instruction: return {2: data1, [3,4,5]: data2, listId: data3} What should be the solution? Thank you for your help. Rudy