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Bots timeout waitpages

#1 by nathalie

Hi everyone,

I want to test a multi-player experiment using browser bots. Groups get matched based on certain characteristics using the group_by_arrival_time_method. I redirect participants who waited too long to another app. Only those bots who made it through the matching work out, the others do not get redirected to the other app ('gr_survey', see below). 

Snippets from the init:

def waiting_too_long(player):
    participant = player.participant
    return time.time() - participant.wait_page_arrival > 900

    def app_after_this_page(player: Player, upcoming_apps):
            if len(player.get_others_in_group()) < 2:
                return "gr_survey"
Current test.py (tried other versions as well):

class PlayerBot(Bot):
    def play_round(self):
        if self.player.participant.timeout==0:
            yield Bonus_group
            yield Submission(self.pages.Bonus_group, timeout_happened=True)

 Thank you for your help!

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