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Login to "Rooms" failed

#1 by Janina

Dear all,

I wanted to set up a session in "Rooms" in order to test my experiment.

Unfortunately, I cannot login and receive the error "ADMIN_PASSWORD is undefined".

But I included the password both in oTree settings.py and Heroku. Moreover, I reseted the database.

This is the code from otree:
ADMIN_PASSWORD = environ.get('password')

I included both also in Heroku "Config Vars".

I would appreciate your help very much!!

Have a nice sunday!

#2 by pia

Hi Janina, 

I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?

#3 by fabsi (edited )


What name did you use for the key in the Heroku Config Vars to set the admin password? If you use the code suggested by Janina (ADMIN_PASSWORD = environ.get('password')), the key has to be "password" and not "ADMIN_PASSWORD". Maybe that was the issue?

Alternatively, you can delete the line ADMIN_PASSWORD = environ.get('password'). In the Heroku Config Vars, you can set the environment variable OTREE_ADMIN_PASSWORD instead. oTree uses this variable by default to set the admin password.

Does that help?

#4 by pia


thank you so much! Now I used: 

and it worked.

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