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Error in downloading Otreezip

#1 by lukasnainggolan

Dear all,

I find an error when trying to download the otreezip. There is an error message: [object Blob].

When I check the Consolde (F12), the error coming from:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)Understand this errorAI
download:1 Access to fetch at 'https://sentry2.otree.org/api/271/store/?sentry_key=e67e1fb05ed44aeab1f02d01945b6740&sentry_version=7' from origin 'https://www.otreehub.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.Understand this errorAI
       Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILEDUnderstand this errorAI
       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
 Anybody knows what are the problems and how to solve it?

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