#1 by lisa_carismo (edited )
Hey, I am working on my experiment for my master thesis and am almost done. However, whenever I want to use the Subsession class with creating_session to do something like assign treatments or let the player play the game multiple in multiple rounds, the creating session code is ignored! class Subsession(BaseSubsession): print('subsession') def creating_session(Subsession): print("creating_session") for player in Subsession.get_players(): #i want to assign treatment group for round numbers and control for odd numbers if player.participant.id_in_session % 2 == 0: player.treatment = True else: player.treatment = False I have included print functions to see until where it loads. print('subsession') is executed, but print("creating_session") not any longer. I realize I have to start sessions, but it doesnt do so anyways. I have tried using alternative notations (for example: self, subsession:Subsession or something like that), every notation and reference for the creating_session that I found people using in the internet. However, it will absolutely not load or do antyhing stated within the "creating_session" function. I have now used work-arounds, but I fear that it will one day backfire because there is something fishy.. thanks in advance for any help
#2 by gr0ssmann
creating_session must not lie within the Subsession class, but instead be a first-order, free-standing function.
#3 by lisa_carismo
ah. thanks so much! It worked.