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Heroku run 'otree resetdb' stop unexpectedly

#1 by mlzzr

My otree app was successfully deployed and then I run "heroku run 'otree resetdb'". Below is what happens.

 ▸    heroku-cli: update available from 6.12.17 to 6.99.0-ec9edad
Running otree resetdb on ⬢ long-quest... up, run.6501 (Hobby)
This will delete and recreate your database. 
Proceed? (y or n): y
Database engine: postgresql
Created new tables and columns.

Then it stops. The herokuapps website shows an application error.

Below is the logs.

Aug 10 02:39:11 long-quest heroku/run.6501 State changed from starting to up
Aug 10 02:39:11 long-quest heroku/run.6501 Awaiting client
Aug 10 02:39:11 long-quest heroku/run.6501 Starting process with command `otree resetdb`
Aug 10 02:39:18 long-quest heroku/run.6501 State changed from up to complete
Aug 10 02:39:18 long-quest heroku/run.6501 Process exited with status 0
Aug 10 02:39:32 long-quest app/heroku-redis source=REDIS addon=redis-triangular-40164 sample#active-connections=1 sample#load-avg-1m=0 sample#load-avg-5m=0 sample#load-avg-15m=0 sample#read-iops=0 sample#write-iops=0 sample#memory-total=16085852kB sample#memory-free=14323688kB sample#memory-cached=1307020kB sample#memory-redis=335344bytes sample#hit-rate=1 sample#evicted-keys=0

What is the problem? Thanks.

#2 by mlzzr

The problem was solved after I downgraded otree[mturk] to 5.5.0.

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