#1 by Bhagya
Hi, I want to display the results of the players from all other groups except from the group that the participant belongs to. I have found the following basic code to display results for all the other players, but how can I exclude the players from the participant's group? Feels like an if statement would work, but couldn't figure it. Help, please? Thanks <table> {% for p in subsession.get_players %} <tr> <td>{{ p.id_in_group }}</td> <td>{{ p.result}}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} </table>
#2 by evelizbeth
Hi, did you find out how to do that? Thank you. Best regards, Evelyn
#3 by coralio
<table> {% for p in subsession.get_players %} {% if p.id_in_group == player.id_in_group %} <tr> <td>{{ p.id_in_group }}</td> <td>{{ p.result}}</td> </tr> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </table>