#1 by PhilP
Hi everyone, I have added a form_field to a page following the Forms docs: form_model = 'player' form_fields = ['stock_choice'] But when I run the page it won't let me move on to the next page, stating: "Please fix the errors" although no errors shows up on my PyCharm. Does anyone know why this is happening and how I can fix it? Thanks, Phil
#2 by llinfeng
In the page.html file, have you collected the subject's input for stock_choice?
#3 by PhilP
Hi llinfeng, I resolved this error by setting blank=True in the player level when I defined stock_choice, but player's choices still aren't saved in my data so maybe this is why. I am not sure how to collect their inputs so I don't think I did. Can you direct me to how to? Thanks, Phil
#4 by PhilP
All good, I have figured it out