#1 by AndreL
With language=de, a few elements are not translated. For instance, the generic field error appears as "Wrong" instead of "Falsch".
#2 by Chris_oTree
Can you show a screenshot? I don't think 'wrong' is a built-in string in oTree.
#3 by AndreL
This was on the comprehension_test snippet app, but the error was mine to forget 'Wrong' is app custom code, not embedded error string on oTree. Apologies. In any case: is there a list of which languages oTree is fully localized into, and/or any list of volunteers requested for additional translations? I can help with 'pt-br' if needed be.
#4 by Chris_oTree
oTree is localized into these languages: ar cs de es fi fr he hi hu id it ja ko nb nl pl pt ru tr zh_Hans The 'pt' localization was done by a Brazilian.
#5 by chasmani
Hi Chris. I'm having some trouble with localization into Bahasa Indonesian ("id"). I'm getting a "No translation file found for domain: 'wtforms'" error. I thought you would want to know - is it definitely supported? I also got the same error when trying Hindi ("hi"). But not with other languages, e.g. zh-hans works fine. I'm on otree 5.10. Also tried it on 5.9 and got the same error. Warm Regards Charlie Pilgrim
#6 by Chris_oTree
These languages are not supported currently.
#7 by whataguy
Is there any way to circumvent this? Need to run an experiment in indonesian language. Would custom next/submit buttons work i.e. manually replacing all built-in strings that cannot be translated? Or would the error still persist?
#8 by whataguy (edited )
Okay I managed to implement a workaround where all buttons are customized, using the lexicon-file-method to determine their text values. I then set the COUNTRY environment variable to 'indonesia' and the LANGUAGE_CODE environment variable to 'en' and load 'lexicon_id_en' based on an if condition using these two variables. Now all the text is in indonesian, as intended, and any non-translated built-in strings that might pop-up default to english without triggering an error message.