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longitudinal study using Prolific with oTree HR

#1 by Andreas

Dear all,

I am planning to start my oTree experiment on Prolific. To set up my study on Prolific, I would like to use oTree HR. Since my study is a longitudinal study that spans several weeks, the question I have is how to ensure that participants pick up where they left off last time. If a participant starts the survey by clicking on the study link in Prolific, answers the first part of my survey, then closes her browser and clicks on the study link in Prolific again the next week, will she automatically be recognized as the same participant (and therefore be able to continue the study on the page where she closed her browser)? - If not, how can I make that happen?

Best regards

#2 by hannes

I'm not sure whether oTree HR stores individual links for each prolific user ID.
Workaround1: Tell the participant to write down her individual link. Then she should be able to continue where she left off
Workaround2: Generate a second study, only allowing prolific users who successfully completed the first part of your study (https://researcher-help.prolific.co/hc/en-gb/articles/360009222733-How-do-I-set-up-a-longitudinal-multi-part-study-)

#3 by Andreas

Thanks for your suggestions, hannes.

I've also thought about Workaround1, but I'm not sure how to extract the individual link so that at the end of each session I could show each participant a page with her individual link and ask her to remember that link for the next session. Alternatively, how could the participant extract her individual link - probably from the URL?
Unfortunately, Workaround2 is out of the question for my experimental design.

Is there anyone who knows what is stored in oTree HR?

#4 by hannes

Based on my mTurk experience, I'm pretty sure that each participant gets an individual link of the respective oTree session. So yes, a participant can go back to their last active page by copying their oTree (heroku) url.

If there is a sandbox / testmode in prolific, then just test it yourself.

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