#1 by gianlucapasin
Good morning everyone Do you know which might be the reasons why an app works locally but not on heroku? I am testing my app on Heroku in order to start a pilot with Prolific. My online experiment is composed of a 4 between subjects treatments tax game, group size equal to 4. The tax game is preceeded by risk and svo task. It looks like as if I must start a complete session (therefore with 16 subjects, 4 subjects per treatments) on Heroku, otherwise I receive errors. Can someone please help me? Thank you.
#2 by Dustin
The only time that I've experienced an that ran fine locally but not on Heruko, it was because I was inconsistent in the capitalization of variables, e.g. I called something "Group" in one place and "group" in another. My windows based machine was more forgiving than the Linux server. You might try checking that. I hope this helps. Best
#3 by Xinxin
I think I ran into one issue when I wrongly used / versus \, the local otree devserver was able to understand my path but not the online one.