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Update dictionary value in class Constant from different class (page)

#1 by MAZAN


I set multi dictionary in my constant class and need to update it several times on different pages based on different logic on each page. However, when I retrieve instances of my dictionary that I updated in my HTML page, I get initial values. I cannot figure out the problem and why the dictionary does not update...

class Constants(BaseConstants):
    items = ["item1", "item2", "item3", "item4", "item5"]
    months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
    projected_balance = {
            "Jan": {"item1": 0, "item2": 0, "item3": 0, "item4": 0, "item5": 0},
            "Feb": {"item1": 0, "item2": 0, "item3": 0, "item4": 0, "item5": 0},
            "Mar": {"item1": 0, "item2": 0, "item3": 0, "item4": 0, "item5": 0},
            "Apr": {"item1": 0, "item2": 0, "item3": 0, "item4": 0, "item5": 0},
            "May": {"item1": 0, "item2": 0, "item3": 0, "item4": 0, "item5": 0},
            "Jun": {"item1": 0, "item2": 0, "item3": 0, "item4": 0, "item5": 0},
            "Jul": {"item1": 0, "item2": 0, "item3": 0, "item4": 0, "item5": 0},
            "Aug": {"item1": 0, "item2": 0, "item3": 0, "item4": 0, "item5": 0},
            "Sep": {"item1": 0, "item2": 0, "item3": 0, "item4": 0, "item5": 0},
            "Oct": {"item1": 0, "item2": 0, "item3": 0, "item4": 0, "item5": 0},
            "Nov": {"item1": 0, "item2": 0, "item3": 0, "item4": 0, "item5": 0},
            "Dec": {"item1": 0, "item2": 0, "item3": 0, "item4": 0, "item5": 0}}
 class Period1(Page):

    def vars_for_template1(player: Player):
        items = ["item1", "item2", "item3", "item4", "item5"]
        months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]

        for month in months:
            for item in items:
                Constants.projected_balance.update({[month][item] :  Constants.inventory[month][item] +                Constants.scheduled_receipt[month][item]- Constants.forecast[month][item]})

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