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Code error when timeout_seconds is above 8 seconds

#1 by lucilaa

I don't know what is happening, but the code works fine when timeout_seconds is 8 seconds or less. But when it is longer, 'm_l': self.player.participant.vars['m_l'] and 'm_t': self.player.participant.vars['m_t'] remain constant every round.

class WP(WaitPage):
    template_name = 'sbe/WP.html'

    def vars_for_template(self):
        round_num = self.subsession.round_number
        for_margins_left = range(30, 1240 + 1, 15)
        for_margins_top = range(20, 720 + 1, 15)
        if round_num <= Constants.num_trial_rounds:
            for g in self.subsession.get_groups():
                num_dots = g.get_player_by_id(1).participant.vars['dots_displayed_trial'][(round_num - 1)]
                margins_left = random.sample(for_margins_left, num_dots)
                margins_top = random.sample(for_margins_top, num_dots)
                for p in g.get_players():
                    p.participant.vars['m_l'] = margins_left
                    p.participant.vars['m_t'] = margins_top

            for g in self.subsession.get_groups():
                num_dots = g.get_player_by_id(1).participant.vars['dots_displayed'][(round_num - Constants.num_trial_rounds - 1)]
                margins_left = random.sample(for_margins_left, num_dots)
                margins_top = random.sample(for_margins_top, num_dots)
                for p in g.get_players():
                    p.participant.vars['m_l'] = margins_left
                    p.participant.vars['m_t'] = margins_top

        return {
            'round_num': round_num,

class PreDots(Page):
    timeout_seconds = 10

    def vars_for_template(self):
        round_num = self.subsession.round_number
        if round_num <= Constants.num_trial_rounds:
            self.player.num_of_dots = self.player.participant.vars['dots_displayed_trial'][(round_num - 1)]
            self.player.num_of_dots = self.player.participant.vars['dots_displayed'][(round_num - Constants.num_trial_rounds - 1)]

        return {
            'role': self.player.participant.vars['role'],
            'num_dots': self.player.num_of_dots,
            'round_num': round_num,
            'round_count': round_num - Constants.num_trial_rounds,
            'm_l': self.player.participant.vars['m_l'],
            'm_t': self.player.participant.vars['m_t']


#2 by lucilaa

the error happens when the page sequence goes
"WP PreDots WP Prots WP PreDots" (when those are the only two pages) (and timeout_seconds = 9 or above)
if I add a third page
"WP PreDots NewPage WP Prots NewPage WP PreDots NewPage" 
then the code works fine, even if timeout_seconds is above 8

#3 by Chris_oTree

It’s recommended to do any calculations like this in after_all_players_arrive, not vars_for_template.

#4 by lucilaa

Is it okay to use "for g in self.subsession.get_groups():" or is it a problem to "call" all groups, given that not all of them will get to the waitpage at the same time?

#5 by Chris_oTree

Usually it doesn't make sense conceptually to do this, since why would you modify the values of groups that may be ahead or behind in the game?

#6 by lucilaa

I just saw that in the documentation it says
"In oTree 2.3 and earlier, after_all_players_arrive was a method, i.e. def after_all_players_arrive(self):. However, the new format is better and you should use it instead."
My requirements file says "otree>=3.4.0,<5"

I was wondering if it would be a problem if I use "def after_all_players_arrive(self):" in pages.py in the waitpage. I need a list of numbers to be random every round but equal for all players in the same group. Can I still use "def after_all_players_arrive(self):" in otree>=3.4.0,<5? Is it not recommended because the option of setting the function in "class Group(BaseGroup):" is easier or is it not recommended because I might get an error while running the experiment?

#7 by Chris_oTree

Using that syntax won’t help with your problem. Why can’t you define a group method?

#8 by lucilaa

At the moment it is working (I am using self.group.get_players() instead of "for g in self.subsession.get_groups():", so I am not calling all groups anymore, right?), but I was wondering if using "def after_all_players_arrive(self):" can result in some unexpected error, I am not sure why it stopped being recommended.

If I define a group method, will the random portion be executed every round? I need the numbers to change every round

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