#1 by yadf94
Hello, In my code, i started by " from otree.currency import Currency as c, currency_range from random import randrange from otree.models import Group from otree.api import * " Nothing fancy right ... But when i "otree zip" and then "otree resetbet" (or "otree runserver"), through pycharm, i got the error message : " File "C:\Users\ASUS ZENBOOK\PycharmProjects\pythonProject2\efrei\test1\__init__.py", line 3, in <module> from otree.models import Group ImportError: cannot import name 'Group' from 'otree.models' (C:\Users\ASUS ZENBOOK\PycharmProjects\pythonProject2\venv\lib\site-packages\otree\models\__init__.py) " I'm stuck on this... And i also tried on otreehub deployment (upload then resetdb), same error... Thanks in advance for your help ! Yann
#2 by Chris_oTree
You should only import from otree.api. The imports from otree.currency etc are unnecessary.
#3 by yadf94
Hello Chris_oTree, thanks for you reply! I shifted to : "from random import randrange from otree.api import Group from otree.api import *" and i got the error message : "ImportError: cannot import name 'Group' from 'otree.api' " after otree zip and otree resetdb. Cheers
#4 by yadf94
Hello problem solved : it was about using BaseGroup instead of Group (with import and in the code)...