#1 by Trontatuma (edited )
I am having this error on Otree 5 + issues that a Live Page is slow, sometimes freezes for 10-15 seconds. In other threads Chris suggested to ignore this but I also have performance issues. I also found this error code in Papertrail: Sep 29 17:51:56 gefinal app/postgres.2423 [DATABASE] [87-7] sql_error_code = 40P01 time_ms = "2023-09-30 00:51:56.164 UTC" pid="66" proc_start_time="2023-09-29 23:26:37 UTC" session_id="65175d2d.42" vtid="5/3371" tid="4671" log_line="86" database="d8t0m0oi9ldkq5" connection_source="" user="u156sbs03631fq" application_name="[unknown]" CONTEXT: while updating tuple (3,3) in relation "otree_participant"
#2 by Trontatuma
Seems like this OSError is an Otree-internal bug with live pages?