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Heroku add-ons required to run multiplayer experiment

#1 by AngelVJimenez

Good afternoon, 

I have just run online a Pilot of a multiplayer experiment I have programmed with oTree. It seems to be some technical problems with the add-ons for the Heroku server. I was wondering if some of you could give me some advice. 

In my experiment, there are multiple groups of 8 players who each one must take several independent decisions and also decide with whom to partner up in each of 20 rounds. 

The experiment seems to work fine. 

However, some players spent 7-10 minutes in a round, while the normal times are 2-4 minutes. This is impossible given the fact that the pages have 20 seconds timeouts and there are 7 pages per round + several waiting pages. 

I have implemented a procedure to identify dropouts and replaced them by bots, which has not helped much here. 

Furthermore, I received an automated email from Papertrail (and add-on for Heroku) saying that “Your Papertrail service for [name of my study] has reached its log data transfer limit of 10 MB for today. 

Based on recent volume, your projected total daily log data transfer is 30 MB.”

In addition to,  one participant said that the application was frozen, and he could not finish the experiment. 

I attach a screenshot of my current plan + add-ons. 

Could you somebody tell me what else is necessary to get rid of this technical problem? 

Thank you very much.

#2 by Chris_oTree

In oTree Hub there is the 'monitor' tab where you can analyze performance issues. Can you show us a screenshot of that?

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