#1 by vexx
Hello, I have switched my heroku subscription to basic from eco dynos. In my understanding, 'Hobby' is the corresponding option when I configure my deployment on otreehub. However, when I try to choose this option, my choice is not saved and the background is yellow instead of green. Why does otreehub not except the move to basic dynos? Thanks in advance,.
#2 by Chris_oTree
There should be an option for Eco dynos in oTree Hub's configure page. Can you show a screenshot of what you see? Also, you need to subscribe to Eco dynos first through the Heroku dashboard before you enable them in any particular app.
#3 by vexx
Sorry, I think you misunderstood my question. I had no problem choosing the eco dynos option previously. However, I switched to my heroku subscription from eco dynos to basic dynos and I assumed that I should change the configuration to Hobby on oTreeHub, but oTreehub did not seem to accept that option.
#4 by Chris_oTree
OK i see what you mean now. I have fixed it so that you can select Basic dynos. Hobby was the old name but they removed it.
#5 by vexx
Thank you!