oTree Forum

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Multiple app and random allocation to groups

By Anwesha, 2 replies,

Problem with payoff of players in group treatment

By Anwesha, 2 replies,

Participants in a group but on different on different rounds

By MouliModak , 1 reply,

Does Heroku / Otree Hub inactivate my app?

By nathalie, 1 reply,

Give participants the opportunity to adjust survey answers in an later step of an experiment

By mmz1311, 6 replies,

Template Localization and Lazy translation

By joefound, 0 replies,

Earning in excel file

By Anwesha, 0 replies,

Issues with submit button

By Anwesha, 1 reply,

Round number

By Trontatuma, 4 replies,

Group treatment payment

By Anwesha, 3 replies,

Session-wide demo link opens only one window

By Trontatuma, 0 replies,

Value doesn't save as formfield

By sdf , 7 replies,

Clicking links on html page

By Anwesha, 6 replies,

If statement based on the number of participants in a session

By oton, 1 reply,

Problem when deploying on otree hub via Heroku : H10 error

By yadf94, 1 reply,

Rounding down of payoff.

By Anwesha, 0 replies,

how to store personal data in a separate file

By ana_c, 3 replies,

Prolific Setup with Otree HR without Heroku Sever

By zahra_rahmani, 1 reply,

timeout_seconds decimal places

By lucilaa , 3 replies,

show currency amount without displaying the currency sign?

By rvman0523 , 1 reply,

Live Page Updating of HTML-Page: only the first of two tables updates

By TimoPromann, 1 reply,

Internal server error

By Anwesha, 2 replies,

problem with "from otree.models import Group"

By yadf94, 3 replies,

Sliders with feedback and tick labels without anchoring

By Juanfran, 10 replies,

Command behind downloading data

By sried, 0 replies,

Participant stuck on wait page

By Fabian_V , 2 replies,

sliding scale?

By rvman0523 , 8 replies,

Time tracker

By Moritz_otree, 2 replies,

Errors occur when trying to pay participants on oTree HR

By Daniel , 0 replies,

column of relation does not exist

By Fanist, 2 replies,