oTree Forum

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set array of images to draw from each round

By gmauter, 2 replies,

assign particular task numbers to participant

By PigiAbi, 1 reply,

Change email on account

By annescm , 1 reply,

Are heroku Dynos used up?

By Fabian_V , 3 replies,

Can I stop Heroku daily dyno restart to make oTree session alive for days?

By cjy2001, 6 replies,

Rooms in otree hub

By AB_123 , 0 replies,

Retrieve ExtraModel information in subsequent round

By Trontatuma, 1 reply,

How to show information to particular player?

By Trontatuma, 2 replies,

old version of this page?

By ksaral, 2 replies,

Data too large, how to export csv?

By Hauke , 5 replies,

Secure room hash changed

By Evan_Calford , 5 replies,

Failed to create session: (psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable)

By Giovanni, 0 replies,

Random signal generator

By alid3mir, 0 replies,

oTree with Lucid

By mngomezch, 0 replies,

Excess columns from other treatments

By AB_123 , 2 replies,

import numpy as np triggers "no module named numpy" error when hosting on heroku

By noob_forever , 1 reply,

Matching Participants in groups, each time with a different player

By Ally, 1 reply,

Ultimatum Strategy Method - More Demos

By JuergenMR , 5 replies,

Playing MP3 before Experiment on HTML page

By JuergenMR , 2 replies,

is there a way to check on which page a bot is?

By Valery , 1 reply,

Preventing multiple submissions

By AB_123 , 2 replies,

Noself format for self.request.POST.get

By AngelVJimenez, 7 replies,

MTurk Sanbox not connecting

By astrid_insubria , 1 reply,

FileNotFoundError when directly deploying with Heroku

By manond, 2 replies,

Audio Audits in Otree

By Giovanni, 0 replies,

I want to players to allocate percentages of their endowment over 5 options. How can this be done on otree?

By sthom, 1 reply,

How to resolve this? I had cleared sessions config default

By sthom, 1 reply,

Recording GPS

By Thair_Ahmad, 2 replies,

Storing and displaying images created during the experiment

By Matt00n, 0 replies,

advance arbitrary participant

By EvgenyK, 2 replies,