oTree Forum

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Synchronise time within group in continuous time games

By Floria, 4 replies,

Need to update requirements to include more Python packages

By noob_forever , 5 replies,

Otree deployment to Heroku failed

By marcelamello , 1 reply,

otree resetdb and psycopg2

By Rita, 0 replies,

otree resetdb and psycopg2

By Rita, 0 replies,

How to set PLAYERS_PER_GROUP = None

By zoe, 1 reply,

Variable is changed for no reason between a local run (devserver) and real run (Heroku)

By Eden_Heilprin , 0 replies,

TypeError happens only in some treatments.

By Aysegul_Engin, 1 reply,

CSS affecting Debug

By ayht, 1 reply,

Program running locally but won't run once hosted at Heroku

By noob_forever , 3 replies,

avator for otree chat

By Mana, 0 replies,

Failed to create session: (psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn) column "_gbat_is_connected" of relation "otree_participant" does not exist LINE 1:

By Giovanni, 1 reply,

What happend if a new session is created before the last session end?

By HGGshiwo, 0 replies,

Can I store data use class variables?

By HGGshiwo, 0 replies,

How to include JS properly.

By henning99, 4 replies,

Saving task in random_task_order

By Rita, 0 replies,

Retain <input> data given form validation failure

By Mike_Zhiren_Wu, 1 reply,

Devices under the LAN are unable to access the room

By Rainbow, 9 replies,

Query params dropped from URL on reload

By Scott, 1 reply,

Saving task in random_task_order

By Rita, 0 replies,

Saving task orders in random_task_order

By Marti_, 1 reply,

group_by_arrival_time wait time question

By ccrabbe , 0 replies,

Tablet device unable to display interface properly

By Rainbow, 1 reply,

AttributeError: viewonly

By AttributeError , 3 replies,

Distribute data download url per session

By Hauke , 4 replies,

Unable to create a new room

By Rainbow, 2 replies,

Donation of $200.00

By AlanS,

chatbot question

By jungt , 1 reply,

Player variable not incrementing with every round, issue with participant fields

By jrm0094, 0 replies,

Otree HR to Prolific

By Bird25, 0 replies,