oTree Forum

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Failed to create session: (psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn)

By Ziyu, 0 replies,

Reset slider task

By randomusername, 0 replies,

RuntimeError: Task X at Y got Future Z at Q attached to different loop

By fitoscano, 0 replies,

Session-wide demo link does not work

By Trontatuma, 0 replies,

Running two prod servers on the same window server

By Eric_Guerci, 0 replies,

Heroku oTree app startup error

By AlanS , 3 replies,

Help sorting Particpants into Treatments

By lmayr, 5 replies,

Refund for the subscription -

By Tedquestion, 1 reply,


By Ben, 2 replies,

Heroku deployment issue - wrong python version in runtime.txt

By AlanS , 2 replies,

import modules in oTree

By martin , 2 replies,

Narrow data format in Otree

By thaicao, 1 reply,

Heroku deployment issue - wrong python version in runtime.txt

By AlanS , 0 replies,

Ranking participant given their score to a survey

By Ben, 1 reply,

Range Slider

By simoncolumbus , 3 replies,

Translation of app using .po files

By tobias, 1 reply,

Checking in which iteration of the app you are

By lalalavi, 1 reply,

Importing Data?

By wilson , 2 replies,

Grouping with non-active players (code snippet)

By chasmani, 1 reply,

Accessing the MTurk submitted codes

By razvanght , 4 replies,

Error when trying to run a study via Heroku

By Shawn, 2 replies,

Issue with "better dropout detection in GBAT (group_by_arrival_time)"

By None, 9 replies,

Code error when timeout_seconds is above 8 seconds

By lucilaa , 7 replies,

AttributeError: Neither 'InstrumentedAttribute' object nor 'Comparator' object associated with Player.participant has an attribute 'PAYOFF_A11'

By Yujia, 0 replies,

oTree does not offer https:// URLs when not forwarding from

By gr0ssmann , 0 replies,

Average of players' actions from the previous round

By macrotl, 1 reply,

Extracting the first three elements of a list using the slicing operator is not working.

By RA_203, 0 replies,

Participants playing different apps

By Trontatuma, 0 replies,

Payment of randomly selected round - connection between round and reward doesn't work correctly

By Janina, 6 replies,

Random Round for payment in PG experiment

By sakib_anwar , 0 replies,